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Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Tips for Online Marketing Using Wikis

One of the many Web 2.0 buzz words thrown around today is the Wiki. But exactly what is a wiki, and what is the purpose to serve? This is the official definition taken from Wiki site:

The simplest online database that could possibly work. Wiki is part of the server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web pages with content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly. Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that allows the organization of contributions to the editing in addition to the content itself. Like many simple concepts, “open editing” has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page on the Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.

If you check out the wikipedia web site, you’ll find more than 1 million articles (a page that has encyclopedic information about it), which is also known as a wiki. Wikis cover a wide range of topics, people, events, animals-is thy name, there is probably a wiki about it somewhere.

In this way, so you can use your Wiki project, business, or Promotion of the book? One possible way would be from the perspective of marketing.

You can create a Wiki on the Wikipedia site that will serve the same function as The page will on the web site. You can use your Wiki inform the audience about their customers or project or product, including its background, the people involved, and any other relevant information that we think that would be relevant. Your Wiki page can easily be updated with any new developments, articles related to the subject wikis, and more.

The main drawback to using Wikipedia is anyone can edit your Wikipedia page that is not exactly the best way to approach the creation Wiki page that is used for marketing. So what are your Wiki-making capabilities, May be asking. Here are some possibilities:

pbWiki: pbWiki users offers opportunities for the creation of a free password-protected wiki project, which allows access to the members the ability to add updates with the editing of content in the wiki. In addition to using ga as a marketing tool, it could be used as a tool for cooperation very much as I Backpack covered here.

Here are some of the features offered by pbWiki:

5000MB (5 gigabytes)

They can create an unlimited number of wiki pages

Choice: Make it public or private

Fully encrypted SSL access

Custom domain

The gorgeous pre-made designs

Customizable CSS

Unlimited comments on each page

Lockable site

RSS feeds

Advanced permits

Data is behind the hour-up

The ability to add pictures

Wikispaces: Similar to pbWiki, Wikispaces offers pretty much the same features, with a few exceptions.

Wikispaces offers different versions of their wikis, each with its own pluses and minuses. Their free version allows you to create a single wiki page, you are allowed up to 2 GB of free storage, you can edit your wiki with the WYSIWYG editor, your wiki page can be password protected, and includes advertising controls Wikispaces.

If their application for 5.00 dollars a month Plus plan, you’ll get pretty much the same capabilities as a free wiki with the exceptions you can make your wiki accessible and visible only to members with access, not the advertisements on your wiki.

Jotspot: another wiki possibility that the sandwiched between pbWiki and Wikispaces is Jotspot.

Like the other two, Jotspot offers the option of free wiki with some of the following options:

5 MB attachment size limit

100 MB of storage limit

5 user limit

20 free pages for your wiki

Jotspot also offers a variety of payment plans ranging from 9.95 dollars a month for $ 199.95 a month. Obviously, the more you pay, the more opportunities you get.

When used with respect to the wiki as a promotional tool, it will be worth your time to research these three wiki sites along with some other sites that offer online wiki-creating opportunities.

If you look for creation of a free Wiki with the most features, pbWiki will be your best option. It is hard to beat with a free wiki-hosting services and capabilities not offered two other wiki sites covered in this article, unless you pay for them.

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